Setting Up Google Workspace Using an Existing Domain
In this lesson, I’ll walk you through the process of purchasing and setting up your Google Workspace Account using an existing domain.
If you need to purchase a new domain, please go back to the previous lesson and select ‘Buy a new domain’
Links to all guides are provided as your work through the setup process. I’ve included links to these guides in the resources should you need to refer to them later.
- Purchasing Your Google Account
- Verify Your Domain (Add TXT Record to your Host Control Panel)
- (Optional) Redirect Emails (Update MMX Records)
- (Optional) Migrating existing emails and contacts
- Overview of Google Drive Stream (offline access to documents)
Google Workspace Setup (Using Existing Domain)
(Optional) Redirect Your Emails to Gmail
Accessing Your New Gmail Account (Existing Domain)
Google Drive and Drivestream (Quick Overview)
- Purchase account
- Prove ownership of your domain
- (Optional) Redirect your mail server
- (Optional) Migrate existing emails and contacts
Q. I have a company email address, does that mean I have a domain?
A. Yes, if your email ends in @yourcompany.com (or similar) then you already have a domain.
Q. Do I have to move my emails to Gmail if I use my domain?
A. No, you can keep your existing email client and use that email address to log into Google Workspace without migrating your emails and contacts if you choose not to.
Q. I have a website, does that mean I have a domain?
A. Yes, your domain is the part that comes after www. You will need to be able to update your RECORDS on your domain hosting account to complete the setup process. This is easy to do and full instructions are given.